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Your Next Speaker

Meet Your Pivoteer


Sarah Olivieri is the change you’ve been searching for. The breath of fresh air that will reinvigorate your organization and reignite your spark of joy for the impact you can have.

Sarah has been called a “Business Alchemist” in the nonprofit space; others have called her “The Money”.

She’s the wizard behind the curtain who has orchestrated the transformation of nonprofit organizations, from failing to thriving, which never fails to make the jaws drop of for-profit business experts. “Nonprofits are businesses too”, she tells them, “but they have a more complex business model, so everything that works in nonprofits also works really well in for-profit businesses, but not everything that works for for-profit businesses will work for nonprofits”.

As the former director of 3 nonprofits and founder of 5 for-profit businesses, she understands, deeply, the challenges and complexities facing organizations. But she has a fundamentally different way of looking at things; an ability to see a kernel of opportunity, to flip a problem on its head, to understand which levers to pull for success. And those abilities have helped her salvage, soothe and shape countless nonprofits and lift them from the brink of insolvency to become thriving, profitable, impact-making businesses.

She’s brought nonprofits back from the brink of insolvency. She’s averted major cash-flow crises, solved funding droughts, resolved board conflicts, and everything in between with her capacious knowledge and unstoppable energy.

Sarah, who is also an international best-selling author and globally renowned speaker, is the creator of the Impact Method™ - a framework she designed and built from the ground up, to help organizations simplify their operations, build aligned teams, and make a bigger impact without getting overwhelmed or burning out.

Her company, PivotGround supports nonprofits to become financially sustainable world-changers and she has an incredible 100% success rate.

Sarah is passionate about empowering nonprofit leaders to achieve the impact they dreamed of when they joined and to reignite the spark of joy so often snuffed out by the realities of operating under the immense pressures and responsibilities of leading a nonprofit.

Direct but gracious, down to earth, brilliant, witty and wise, Sarah is not afraid to (compassionately) tell you if you’re making a mistake or to elegantly and delicately help you re-engineer your leadership team’s responsibilities. She has the kind of brain-power and clarity of thought that will help you cut right to the heart of what’s needed and she’ll support you to make the changes that will transform the impact you AND your organization will have.

Her success in business is driven by the same key ethos which has made her an award-winning sailor; the recognition that there are exponential gains to be made by iterating on what works, by staying focused and resilient (even when you feel like quitting) and by being highly intentional in everything you do.

Marquis Badge

Sarah Olivieri is a #1 international bestselling author, holds a BA from the University of Chicago with a focus on globalization and its effect on marginalized cultures, and a master's degree in Humanistic and Multicultural Education from SUNY New Paltz.

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Featured In...


For For-profit Business

  • You Need A Leadership System Upgrade
  • 3 Critical Strategies For Building A Thriving Agile Business

For Nonprofits

  • 3 Mission-Critical Strategies For Making A Bigger Impact
  • The 5-Part Job Description For Nonprofit Boards That Actually Works
  • Staffing Up In 3 Steps Regardless Of Your Budget
  • Get Your Budget To Talk To You In Just 4 Easy Steps




  • What is business agility and how does it apply to nonprofits?
  • What can CEOs and Executive Directors do to get more time back in their day?
  • So many nonprofits seem to be desperate for resources, why do you think this is the case?
  • What lead you to develop the Impact Method™ and how does it help nonprofits and for-profit businesses?
  • Why are individual leaders and leadership skills are only part of the leadership equation?

On a personal note:

Ask Sarah about her time in Spain, Tanzania, Cuba, or Japan, her passion for racing sailboats, and her thoughts on raising a young boy in the digital age.


Compassionate Communication

In this keynote presentation Sarah will engage your entire audience with inspiring stories, audience participation, and practical tips that everyone needs to go boldly and successfully into the future with compassionate communication, emotional intelligence in action!

In the past jobs were about muscles, now they’re about brains, but in future they’ll be about the heart.

... emotional intelligence, the skills that robots can’t do, will be required in future.”

Minouche Shafik

Director of the London School of Economics

20th President of Columbia University


Sarah's style come across as effortless and natural. She made budgeting less scary by breaking down best practices into easy and actionable concepts.

Steven Shattuck

Chief Engagement Officer,


Sarah is an enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and engaging speaker. Sarah's presentation was very informative and action oriented. There was engagement right from the beginning and audience could use her information straight after the webinar if they wanted to.

Alexandra Morgan

Marketing Programs Manager,

Wild Apricot

Sarah was a joy to listen to. She has lots of personality and her presentation was informative, well received, and very on brand for our audience. Attendees walked away with insightful information and guidance.

Mel Bilko

Head of Community Engagement, Keela


5 Simple Steps to Achieving a High-Performing Nonprofit Board

Join Sarah Olivieri, MPS, creator of the Impact Method™️, for this one of a kind Masterclass for nonprofit leaders and board members.


The 4 Part Framework For Staffing Up

Join Sarah Olivieri, MPS, creator of the Impact Method™️, for this one of a kind Masterclass for nonprofit leaders who want to add more staff.

© 2024 Olivieri's Inc. dba PivotGround All Rights Reserved

© 2024 Olivieri's Inc. dba PivotGround All Rights Reserved